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Apple Stops Selling HomePod, Shifting Eyes On Mini

It feels as Apple wants to come up with better plans that can make them their AI tools of communicating with smart audio systems better as they are in the market for selling Mini and not HomePod, which did come to the market with a lot of home. In 2010s, HomePod came to takeover the market as they are doing in the field of mobile phone, smart watches, earphones and desktops. However, it feels as if only the Mini would not be the key focus point of Apple for selling their voice assistant products as others are not making the same impact, especially the big one. This is what makes an impact in changing this industry. Many might say that Siri is the OG of voice assistant and it is famous around the world. But so is Alexa of Amazon. As Amazon is leading the world’s market place, one can see a huge rise in the demand of the product. Apple Homepod Homepod Carepanzarinotechcrunch.

HomePod was big and had good audio; hence, one was feeling that it would bring something magical. However, it feels that is not the case as the demand of the product is not big. In India, where people are mad about any Apple product, not many knows a lot about HomePod. Hence, it does show the fact how behind they are. However, making Siri work on feedbacks with the dedicated app and with Mini in the market, it can show the fact things can grow in a sensational manner at a very best look. Apple Homepod Apple Carepanzarinotechcrunch.

It was founded in 2018 – and did create the buzz – but as people see from Apple something magical coming, things do not always look sensational when there is a magical plan to follow. This is what makes an impact in the very best way for others to be in the market as Google and Amazon are big players. Apple Homepod Homepod Apple Carepanzarinotechcrunch.

It started with a price point of USD 349 – and it was dropped at $299. However, even this did not make the product work well. When Amazon is providing same features with a better deal, this can indeed make things look great others and not for Apple, who does feel far behind in this field. This does show the fact that the top tech brand in making smart products have to bring something different that can force people to buy a product. Homepod Homepod Apple Carepanzarinotechcrunch.

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One of the biggest reasons behind it can be that other than kids, not many have time to speak to a voice assistant and make things work. It does make the commutation skills of a person better – but at the same time one can feel that in a longer run, children can become lazy as they do need to speak not even use smart phone to switch the light. This is not bad – but there has to be a fine balance in everything. Otherwise, one can’t see the best look possible. Homepod Homepod Carepanzarinotechcrunch.


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